Friday, October 11, 2024

Fall Fishing

Fall in Colorado offers a unique and breathtaking fly fishing experience. The crisp air, golden Aspen leaves, and snow-capped peaks create a beautiful backdrop for anglers. During this season, trout become more active in preparation for winter, making the fishing particularly rewarding. Popular rivers like the Arkansas, Gunnison, and South Platte offer great opportunities to catch brown and rainbow trout.

Fall in Colorado's rivers is indeed a prime time for anglers, particularly those targeting Brown Trout during their pre-spawn period. The trout become more aggressive and hungry, providing excellent opportunities to catch them, especially using streamer patterns. However, it's crucial to respect the spawning process once it begins by avoiding actively spawning fish and keeping away from their redds to protect future populations.

Orange egg tied with McFlyfoam, hotspot with
Solarez UV color resin fluorescent red

Targeting other fish, such as Rainbow Trout or non-spawning Browns that take advantage of loose eggs in deeper runs, is a great strategy during this time. See you on the river!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cat's Caddis Larva aka the Green Cheeseburger now available at Discount Flies!

Cat's Caddis Larva aka Green Cheeseburger

I am very excited to announce that Cat's Caddis Larva fly pattern, aka Green Cheeseburger is now available online at Discount Flies!  This fly is available in colors:  olive, caddis green, sand, and chartreuseb to come.  Sizes available are #14, #16, #18, and #20.  No secret, this has been one of my #1 flies on the rivers, creeks, streams I fish and guide at year round!

Keith caught this fantastic brown
 on Cat's Caddis Larva.
The Green Cheeseburger came to life on a day fishing the Eagle River in Colorado with a little caddis larva I found clinging to my waders.  I carefully took a deep look and studied the larva of its features, color, and characteristics.  Before returning home from the river, I drove straight to Charlie's Fly Box where I strolled the aisles grabbing materials of what I believe would create this imitation of the caddis larva.  I may have tied 3 or 4 of these caddis larva and returned to the Eagle River the next day to fish it with an overwhelming success!

A beautiful rainbow trout from the Eagle River.

The Green Cheeseburger fished so incredibly well that day, I knew I had to tie more!  I fished this larva at every river, creek, and stream with consistent amazing catches.  If I could catch lots of great fish on this fly, surely my guide trips with Blue Quill Angler could make excited clients happy!🎣

A beefy rainbow chomped on the
Green Cheeseburger at the Blue River.

I shared with my fly tying friends how to tie the Green Cheeseburger, and I am very happy to hear of their success in filling their fishing nets with great catches.  I have been fishing this caddis larva the last 4 years from the S. Platte River:  Deckers, Cheesman Canyon, Eleven Mile Canyon, Tomahawk, the Dream Stream, to the Blue River, to the Yampa River in Steamboat Springs, to the Arkansas tailwaters in Pueblo, also to the Arkansas River, to the North Platte River in Wyoming:  Miracle Mile, Fremont Canyon, Grey Reef, to the Eagle River, to the creeks:  Clear Creek, S. Boulder Creek, Bear Creek just to name a few places this trout pastry has fooled the trout.

A fantastic rainbow I caught from the Blue River
on the Green Cheeseburger.

I will be tying at a number of fly tying expos, fishing events, and the Fly Fishing Show, Denver.  I will be regularly updating my events calendar of where you can find me fly tying.  Please stop by, say hello, and share your fishing stories of the many big fish you caught on the Green Cheeseburger!

Fly tying at the Troutfest

This fly pattern, I have year round great success including in the heart of winter.
Stock up on some of Cat's Caddis Larva aka, Green Cheeseburgers for your fly box at Discount Flies!

Peter caught this brownie on Cat's Caddis Larva.

The Matchstick Midge.

I also want to share of my Matchstick Midge also available at Discount Flies!  This midge evolved while I was fishing on the S. Platte River by myself.  They were very abundant in the waters which pushed me to drop in to pay a visit to Charlie's Fly Box to tie an imitation of this midge.   Such an effective midge I discovered.  

Thank you for your support!  See you on the rivers!

Cat's Caddis Larva.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The San Juan Worm


The San Juan Worm.

Spring rains and the snow melt in the Rockies raise the rivers and creeks spilling into adjacent grassy banks carrying sediments and organic matter slightly muddying the waters.  The San Juan worms dwell in the dewy, muddy banks along our rivers and streams.  As the rivers rise, these aquatic worms and terrestrials are often dislodged and washed into waters and become a highly nutritious food source for the trout.

San Juan Worm in various colors.

The San Juan worm are extremely effective because they imitate one of the natural food sources of trout.  These worms are often brown, bright red, or pink in color resembling the appearance of annelid worms found in riverbeds.  Trout are opportunistic feeders particularly in rapid water conditions where food sources are plentiful.  The San Juan worm pattern is designed to imitate these worms typically tied with chenille and hook to resemble the simple, segmented body of a worm.  

Worms, worms, worms!

Many aquatic worms are hermaphroditic, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. They are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually.  Sexual reproduction involves the exchange of sperm between two worms, while asexual reproduction often involves fragmentation, where a part of the worm breaks off and regenerates into a new worm. This is an amazing characteristic of many aquatic worms are their ability to regenerate lost body parts!

The worms start their life as an egg.  The eggs are often laid in clusters of the substrates in freshwater rivers, streams, and ponds.  They are encased in a gelatinous substance that provides protection from predators and from environmental conditions.

Trout spaghetti.

After a period of incubation, the eggs hatch into larvae.  The larval stage is not much different from the adult form in many annelids, but they are smaller and less developed.  In the juvenile stage, the worms grow resembling as an adult.  Their diet consists of decomposed plant vegetation and animal matter.  During this stage with feeding and growth, their skin is shed multiple times as they grow in size.  Upon maturity, these worms are fully developed and ready for reproduction.

The San Juan worm has rated as one of my favorites to fish.  An incredibly, easy tie and so effective!  This is especially true during our runoff season with high flows on the freestone rivers and tailwaters.  See you on the river!

This cutthroat trout took my San Juan worm.

Monday, February 19, 2024


Chironomids are abundant in our rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams playing a significant role in the aquatic ecosystems and prey for the trout.  They are often diminutive in size range, simple physique, and a challenge fishing them during wintry months.  Chironomids are a type of aquatic insect belonging to the family, Chironomidae, and from the order Diptera translating as two (Di) winged (ptera) indicative to the winged adult stage.  From the perspective of fly fishermen, chironomids represent a beneficial food source prominently during the winter fishing season.

Studying this midge under microscope from a water sample I collected.

Chironomids have a complete lifecycle metamorphosis of larva, pupa, and adult.  The chironomid larva grow through 3 to 4 instars, or developmental growth stages. Starting from the egg stage, the midge larva are then worm-like, slender bodied, and often called bloodworms red in color due to hemoglobin within their iron-based blood system.  They have 9 body segments and little, stubby legs.  Chironomids are important decomposers and contribute to the nutritional cycle in the freshwater ecosystems.

The Paisy Midge I tied in studying this midge under a microscope.

The pupal stage is characterized by more definitive features, including slim, tapered, and segmented bodies.  Their thorax is distinct and bulbous, featuring wing pads, while the legs and antennae trail beneath the thorax.  Pupae exhibit a diverse array of colors, ranging from olive and tan to shades of green, black, brown, and maroon.  This growth transformation occurs before the emergence of the insect as an adult.

A midge I collected from the river.

The adult stage represents the winged and reproductive phase of the insect’s life cycle.  Resembling like mosquitoes, adult chironomids possess slender, tapered bodies compared to the pupal stage, lacking tails, and have a pair of wings trailing back over the body.  Their thorax is humped, and they typically accentuated with noticeable eyes.  Male chironomids are distinguished by their plumose antennae, which helps them in seeking out a mate. Females, on the other hand, exhibit a finer, more indistinct antennae.  Adult midges swarm, mate and return back into the water.  Female midges typically lay their eggs by scattering them along the water’s surface as they fly low over the water, or underwater along the river bottom.

My Matchstick Midge fishes incredibly well on the S. Platte River.

Pupae ascend and undulate slowly through the water column until they reach the surface, where they undergo their final transformation into adults.  Upon reaching the surface, they momentarily suspend before adopting a horizontal posture.  A split emerges along the back of the thorax, and with the aid of trapped air and gases, the adult emerges in front of the discarded pupal shuck.  These cast shucks often retain the distinctive white gills near the head of the insect.

Pat Dorsey's amazing Black Beauty.

Once the emergence process is complete, the adults soar in the air and migrate to shoreline areas.  The adult stage is typically brief, as most adults do not dine, but instead focus on reproducing.  Male midges form swarms like dust clouds along the water’s edge.  These swarms release a high-pitched buzzing sound.  Males release pheromones to entice mates, and mating will occur either in the air or on the ground.  During low-light conditions, when waters are tranquil, and the risk of predator is low, egg-laden females return to the water to lay their eggs.  Females will glide across the water’s surface, or divine below the water to lay their eggs.  Adults so thick, they form mats on the water’s surface and accumulate in calms and back eddies of rivers and streams.  The hungry trout are drawn to these areas and found delicately sipping adult clusters.  Happy fishing!  See you on the rivers!

Happy fly tying and fishing chironomids!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Fly Fishing Events 2024, an ongoing Calendar

The Fly Fishing Show 2025.....

Don't miss as Orvis presents Fly Tying Fanatic Fest on October 26th, 2024, Saturday
Location:  Orvis Park Meadows
Time:  10 am to 4 pm

I will be tying my signature Green Caddis Larva and Burnt French Fry leech and other fishy fly patterns.

Tyers will be sharing their fish catching patterns and sharing how to fish them. This is the fly tying show of the year. If you are thinking about fly tying, a beginning fly tier, intermediate tier or an experienced tier, this is the place to hang out on Occtober 26 at the Orvis Park Meadows.  You are guaranteed to learn a pattern or fishing technique that will help put more fish in the net.

I hope to see you there!!

Please join us as I will be fly tying with some of the best fly tiers at the Troutfest Colorado at 

Coors Field, Denver, Colorado 2001 Blake St, Denver, CO 80205  

Troutfest Colorado is a one of a kind summer festival and celebration of conservation, education, and community. It’s for anglers, would be anglers, outdoor enthusiasts, or simply families looking for a fun and engaging day at the ballpark. People of all ages, genders, and ethnic backgrounds are welcome. Held in the heart of lower downtown at Denver’s most iconic and accessible venue, Coors Field, Troutfest Colorado is a convenient way to learn more about conservation and fly fishing. Free and open to the public, it’s the perfect early summer festival. 

Come join me at Grossen Bart Brewery as I present Reading the Waters for St. Vrain Anglers Trout Unlimited, an evening of information and fun of where are the trout hiding.  

Join us at 
The Ranch Event Complex, FNBO Exhibition Building, 
South Hall, 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland, CO 
Join us on Saturday, March 23 from 10am – 4pm. 
Adults: $15 online in advance or $25 at the door March 23rd 
Students, Military, Veterans, and First Responders: $10 
Age 10 and under are FREE & Free parking

Inviting all Men, Women and Families Interested in Trout Fishing.
Join us to get the fishing season started in style! Door Prizes, Raffle, Exhibitors, Fly Shops, Fly Tyers, Speakers, Silent Auction, LIVE Auction, rods for you to cast and compare. Try to catch the very rare Lawn Trout! Casting and fly tying for kids as well!

Tiers List: Chuck Esch, Jason Haddix, Phil Iwane, Chris Krueger, Barbara Luneau, Steve Maldonado, Dennis Martin, Loren McGlone, Mark McMillen, David Morse, Eric Pettine, Mark Rayman, Jane Retherford, Michael Ringus, Steve Rogers, Stephen Sexton, Marty Staab, Rick Takahashi, Anh Thai, Cat Toy, James Ushiyama, Lydia Wickizer

The big one, West Denver Trout Unlimited's Annual Fly Tying Clinic

Where:  Jefferson County Fairgrounds 15200 W. 6th Avenue, Golden, CO 80401

Please join us on March 2nd at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds when we welcome back the West Denver Trout Unlimited Fly Tying Clinic. This is the largest gathering of fly tyers in the State of Colorado and possibly the USA. Please take the time to look at the list of over 66 tyers including:

Umpqua Signature Tyers - Charlie Craven, Garrison Doctor, Rick Takahashi, Antonio Rodrigues, Steve Maldonado, Eric Pettine, Loren McGlone, Scott Stisser, Ben Baxter, Frank Whispell, Daryl Eakins, Dylan Gonzales, Phil Iwane

Montana Fly Signature Tyers- Juan Ramirez, Carl Pennington and Chris Krueger. 

Special Tyers - Jonathan Antunez, Fran Blayney, Joe Brenton, Craig Burton, James “Jimbo” Busse, Phil Cavendor, Delaney Chapman, Rim Chung, Keith Ciesla, Chuck Esch, Greg Garcia, Peter Giffin, Ahn Thai, Eli Gonzales, Michael Gula, Jason Haddix, Tim Jacobs, Greg Johnson, Stephen Johnson, Merne Judson, Bill Kirk, Barbara Luneau, Tim Mack, Richard Magill, Chase Martin, Tony McColl, David McElwain, Mark McMillan, Marvin Nolte, Dan and Kaasen Pass, Richard Pilatzke, Mark Rayman, Jane Retherford, Ralph Rhoades, Michael Ringus, RMAC, Steve Rogers, Jeff Rowley, Thomas Schnieder, Shane Schuster, Dick Shinton, Chris Steinbeck, Kiefer Stumpp, Vincent Su, Cat Toy, Charlie Vestal, Michele White, Lydia Wickizer, Eddy Wittry and Tom Ziegler

Tyers will be sharing their fish catching patterns and sharing how to fish them. This is the fly tying show of the year. If you are thinking about fly tying, a beginning fly tier, intermediate tier or an experienced tier, this is the place to hang out on March 2nd at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. You are guaranteed to learn a pattern or fishing technique that will help put more fish in the net.

I hope to see you there!!

St. Vrain Anglers Trout Unlimited Fly Tying Expo

February 3rd, 2024, Saturday

Hours: 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Where:  American Legion Post, Longmont, Colorado

Please join us at the St. Vrain Anglers Trout Unlimited Fly Tying Expo on February 3, from 12:30-4:30 at the American Legion Post, 315 S. Bowen St., Longmont, CO 80501. Check out the tiers who will be spinning feathers and fur. We always have a blast sharing fish catching flies and how to fish them with you. 

January 19th-21st, 2024, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the Fly Fishing Show, Denver:
Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center
6700 North Gaylord Rockies Boulevard, Aurora, CO 80019

I am excited about the Denver Fly Fishing Show 2024!
This has to be one of the best shows, come join us at The Denver Fly Fishing Show!
I will be fly tying on:
January 19th, 20th, and 21st, 2024
Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center 6700 North Gaylord Rockies Blvd
Aurora, CO 80019
January 19th, Friday 10 am to 6 pm
January 20th, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm
January 21st, Sunday 9 am to 430 pm

I hope to see you there! 😸

January 11th - 14th 2024 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the International Sportsmen's Expo:

Denver Convention Center 700 14th Street Denver, CO 80202

Join me and my fly tying friends at the International Sportsmen's Expo at the Denver Convention Center.  I will be tying on January 12 and 13th 2024 Friday and Saturday all day.  Tying this at the International Sportsmen's Expo event are Barbara Luneau, Ben Baxter, Cat Toy, Chris Kruger, Chris Esch, Dennis Martin, Dick Shinton, Eric Pettine, Frank Whispell, Garrison Doctor, Hans Mylant, Jane Retherford, Janine Whispell, Jason Haddix, Jerry Shin, Joe Brenton, John Vevurka, Jonathan Antunez, Mark McMillan, Mark Rayman, Mary Manka, Patrick Oppenheim, Phil Iwane, Ralph Rhoades, Richard Pilatzke, Rick Takahashi, Scott Stisser, Steve Rogers, Steve Schweitzer, Tim Jacobs, Todd Birchby, Ty Clifton, and Vincent Su.  

Please join us, we always have an amazing time, and you will learn some great fly fishing tips and patterns.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

A reflection looking back at 2023

2023 has been an amazing year for me with some changes and personal growth in the fly fishing industry.  First and foremost, I have the continued true pleasure of being a part of Blue Quill Angler's stellar team!  The positive energy, talent, and the motivation to be topnotch are all I could ask for in an exceptional crew.  Thank you!

Fly fishing guide, Geneva, and I at the shop.

I put in countless days fishing on the rivers and creeks.  Everyday is a day for brand new knowledge experience and adventure.  Most think I am just fishing for the day.  Some have tormented me that I fish way too much. I always believe, I cannot be a great guide on the river unless I do my fish homework.  Which means time invested on the river fishing.  There is much more to it but keeping it simple.

My time on the rivers doing what I love!

As a part time fly fishing guide, I still partake my fair share in the enjoyment of fishing.  Fishing with my friends and meeting new fishing buddies has been delightful this year.  I wish I had more time to fish with everyone.  Guiding has been such a blast meeting some cool people and sharing the enjoyment of fly fishing.

Loveland ski patrol.

I shifted my energy in a resignation with Loveland Ski Patrol.  I was so overwhelmed with being a full-time registered nurse, a part time fly fishing guide, and volunteer ski patrol.  Requesting time off, calling in sick, double booking myself, and trying to meet up with all my commitments made me realize that I had reached maximum capacity of what one person could do.  Once I left Loveland Ski Patrol, I was astonished how the fly fishing literally infused into those open slots. It gifted me to move forward with more time into my passion with fly fishing.
My time I gained back became exceptionally rewarding with fly tying and doing presentations for Colorado Women Flyfishers, Project Healing Waters, Angler Covery's Hootenanny, the International Sportsmen's Expo, the Fly Fishing Show Denver, Rocky Mountain Flycasters, St. Vrain Anglers Fly Tying Expo, Troutfest, and my dedication tying every 3rd Tuesday with West Denver Trout Unlimited.
Fly tying at the Troutfest 2023.

Guiding season began quickly in April meeting Amanda who was brand new into the sport of flyfishing.  She had the robust desire to learn and a style of a natural on the river.  It was two ladies on the river on a frigid, foggy, sleet day having a great day howling with joy with her first brown trout in the net!  Her trip brought me right back to why I love to guide.  I was gratified to witness her overjoyed success.  Thank you, Amanda.  I hope you are catching a ton of fish!

Amanda on her first trout!

Charlie wanted to improve his fishing skills and gave me the chance to tailor a guide trip with Euro nymphing on the Arkansas River.  I will admit, I was intimidated with a well-seasoned fisherman with many years experience in fly fishing.  What an excellent day it was customizing and teaching him how to be a proficient angler.  Charlie and I have fished a number of times since that day, and I am so honored of his continued successful days fishing on the rivers.  Thank you, Charlie, for your great friendship and being a great fishing buddy! 
Charlie had success learning Euro nymphing
with me on a guide trip to the Arkansas River.

Guiding this season had me meet and fish with a lot of locals around the Denver and Evergreen area.  I got the chance to guide and teach Keith Euro nymphing in Cheesman Canyon with a lot of sizeable, stout trout in the net.  It was just a couple days after this trip of Cheesman Canyon taking a significant hit with torrential downpour and heavy floods on the South Platte River.  So much sediment and debris washed into the canyon.  I am forlorn what happened to Cheesman Canyon.  I hope this beauteous fishery recovers hastily. 

Keith caught his personal best in 
Cheesman Canyon.

I have met some incredible new friends and fishing buddies this year.  Thank you, Kenny, for the fishing adventures and exploring the North Platte River.  I have heard about this river from friends, and I was so delighted to have the opportunity to run away from work and fish this special place.

Kenny on a fantastic rainbow.

The San Juan River is renowned for its excellent fly fishing in New Mexico.  What a spectacular time of friendships and fish!  I am so appreciative, Chris, for the opportunity to join you and your family on the San Juan River in New Mexico.  I cannot wait to fish again with you soon!

The San Juan River did not disappoint!

I am looking forward to the new year.  It only get better from here!  Stay healthy everyone!  Happy holidays and see you on the rivers next year!

Some time for me to fish!

Phil, thank you for your genuine friendship. Words cannot express my gratitude to you.  Thank you for the laughter and teaching me how to count the fish!  I am looking so forward to tying and fishing with you in many years to come!

Cal Winn, Phil Iwane, Chris Depew, and I.

Many thanks for your support and Togens Fly Shop, Anadramous Fly Company, Shopmcfly, Qualifly Reels, Lid Rig, Mystic Fly Rods, Solarez, and Fin River Gear.

Friday, June 2, 2023

The Stonefly

Stoneflies are captivating insects that belong to the order Plecoptera, given the Latin name which means “folded wing.”  They are one of the oldest insect species of more than 3,500 different variations found around the world except Antarctica.  Stoneflies thrive in freshwater habitats, particularly in fast-flowing rivers, streams, and lakes.  Their unique life cycle enables them to flourish in healthy aquatic environments, undergoing an incomplete metamorphosis of three distinct life stages: egg, nymph, and adult.

Stonefly.  Image by Tyler Edkahl, Togens Pro Staff

Stoneflies have a unique appearance that makes them so different from other insects.  They typically have a soft, elongated body ending with two long tails, and with two pairs of membranous wings laid over their backs. Their wings are transparent or smoky in coloration.  They have three pairs of legs with two claws are essential for gripping onto rocks.  They have large, compound eyes with exceptional visual perception, along with lengthy, thread-like antennae that aid in sensing their surroundings.

Stonefly.  Image by Jon Baiocchi.

The lifecycle of the stonefly from egg to nymph and straight to adult is about one year to three years depending on the species.  The egg stage is the life cycle of a stonefly begins when the female lays eggs on the surface of the water.  Stonefly females have a unique way of laying their eggs involving dipping her egg-filled abdomen into the water and dropping them into the water while hovering just above the surface.  They can produce as many as a thousand eggs.  These eggs are then transported downstream by the current. The eggs are coated with a sticky residue which allows them to adhere themselves to rocks, gravel, or other submerged river materials.  Most stonefly eggs can hatch within few days or weeks.

Female stonefly about to lay her eggs on the surface of the water.

After the eggs hatch, the stonefly enters the nymph stage.  The nymph stage is the longest phase of life cycle lasting from a few months to several years, depending on the species and environmental conditions.  As nymphs, they breathe through their gill system or through their exoskeleton.  Stoneflies thrive in fast flowing highly oxygenated waters and clean habitats.    During this stage, they primarily reside in crevices between stones and pebbles.  Most stonefly nymphs are herbivores and primarily feed on algae, aquatic plants, and other small organisms.  Larger golden stoneflies  exhibit a carnivorous diet, preying on smaller stonefly nymphs, mayfly nymphs, and caddis nymphs.

Pat's Rubber Leg.

The nymph stage is also when the stonefly undergoes several molts, shedding its exoskeleton and growing a new one.  Stoneflies can molt up to 20 times during the nymph stage in growing and development into adults.  As they near maturity, stonefly nymphs migrate to swifter water currents near the shore and begin the metamorphosis process.  They congregate on the shoreline, climbing out onto nearby rocks and shore vegetation to start their pupa stage.

The pupa stage is when the stonefly is full grown adult.  Typically, stoneflies emerge during darkness or dusk.  They will adhere to rocks and trees where their husk separates open and the adult stonefly emerges from their pupa casing. After a few minutes, the wings of the new adult stonefly dry and harden, preparing them for their first flight.

Skwala Stonefly.  Image by Jon Biaocchi.

As adult stonefly, their primary purpose in this stage is to mate and reproduce.  The newly adults seek refuge in nearby trees, willows, and grass.  They live for maybe a few weeks to a few months where they will mate, lay eggs, and eventually die.

Stonefly.  Image by Scott Bowerman

The adult stoneflies discover another mate through a series of acoustical drumming.  Stoneflies drum by tapping, rubbing, or scraping their abdomens against substrates like rocks and twigs.  The male’s drumming is reciprocated by a female.  The drumming sounds are exclusive to the same species specifically.  Through continued drumming, the male and female locate one another and proceed to mate.

Stoneflies are remarkable insects.  They require optimal water conditions to survive.  From the egg stage to the adult, each stage of the of the stonefly’s life cycle with an incomplete metamorphosis.  The adult stoneflies period can be some of the most exhilarating fishing for the year.  See you on the river!