Anglers All, me and 4 other great women tiers for a Women's Showcase fly tying event, March 15th, 2025, Saturday!
The Fly Fishing Show, Denver 2025, February 21, 22, and 23rd the Gaylord Rockies Resort!
The fly fishing show of the year, join me, Dave Allison, Jonathan Artunez, Kevin Arculeo, Nick Benik, Marcus Bevier, Tyler Boroff, Michael Burgess, Jeff Currier, John Demuth, Jude Duran, Daryl Eakins, Joel Evans, Tim Flagler, Dylan Gonzales, Eli Gonzales, Jason Haddix, Travis Hanson, Larry Holt, Phil Iwane, Joe Jackson, Tim Jacobs, Stephen Johnson, Merne Judson, Bill Kirk, Lance Kittel, Chris Krueger, Steven Maldonado, David McElwain, Kim Mutaw, Hans Mylant, Carl Pennington, Juan Ramirez, Jane Retherford, Jeff Rowley, Allen Rupp, Shane Schuster, Steve Schweitzer, Spencer Seim, Robin Spaight, Scott Stisser, Rick Takahashi, Son Tao, Matt Thornton, Cat Toy, Todd Turner, Frank Whispell, Jason Yi, and Tom Ziegler.
• The largest exhibit floor in the history of the Denver Fly Fishing Show, yet again!• New 2025 products from manufacturers.• Programs and learning opportunities for youngsters and families.• Women’s Fly Fishing Showcase focused on thewoman angler.• Casting demos and instruction with Christopher Rownes, Gary Borger, Landon Mayer, Jeff Currier, Mac Brown and more!• Fly tying with Phil Rowley, Ed Engle, Tim Flagler, Pat Dorsey, TimCammisa and more!• Classes with the Experts where you can get one-on-one time with the Pros.• The must-see International Fly Fishing Film Festival on Friday at 6:30featuring award-winning fly-fishing films.• The most extensive list of professional speakers across the globe.• Lodges, resorts, exotic vacation destinations offering the best fly fishingtrips on the planet.• Live, on site Podcasting• Live and art demonstrations• Live bamboo rod building demonstrations• New rods, reels, lines, accessories, clothing, waders, boots, books, DVDs andanything else you may want to purchase, plus our exclusive author’s booth.• Conservation organizations and opportunities to volunteer for the sportyou cherish.
Please join this amazing fly fishing event! I hope to see you there!
The St. Vrain Angler Trout Unlimited Fly Tying Expo 2025!
WHEN | February 8, 2025, Saturday
WHERE | American Legion Post 32 Longmont, Colorado
ADMISSION | $20 - See Event registration page
Doors open | 12:30pm
Food and beverage available for purchase at venue
The St. Vrain Angler Trout Unlimited and Laughing Grizzly Fly Shop co-host an annual Fly Tying Expo that features expert tyers from Northern Colorado and throughout the state. This Expo offers the opportunity for one-on-one interaction with the tyers where attendees can chat and learn their patterns, tips, and pointers. With more than 30 tyers demonstrating an astounding variety of flies, attending the Expo is a crash course in upping your tying skills.
The Fly Tying Expo is a fundraiser to support the Chapter’s work and outreach. Flies tied at the event are donated by the tyers for bucket draws. The event also features a silent auction including trips and fishing related items. Fundraising proceeds go to:
1. Youth programming that introduces kids to fly fishing and healthy watersheds;
2. St. Vrain Creek habitat improvement and restoration; and
3. Educating our community on the value of healthy streams and trout habitat.
2025 Tyer lineup
Jonathan Antunez | Scott Drake | Rod Dufour
Phil Cavendor | Chuck Esch | Jason Haddix
Kevan Davidson | Stephen Johnson | John YI
Shannah Fedus | John Majerus | Steve Maldonado
Dennis Martin | Mark Mcmillian | Teryll Monroe
Rich pilatzke | Jane Retherford | Micheal ringus
Dick shinton | Marty staab | rick takahashi
anh thai | cat toy | Susan underwood
James Ushiyama | Frank whispell | janine whispell
lydia wickizer | fran Blayney | Phil Iwane
stephanie hazelton
January 18th, 2025, Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm!
Angler's Covey, Womens Fly Tying Showcase
Please join me for this very special event featuring a day of fly tying by the ladies! Come see Anh Thai, Cat Toy, Rachel Leinweber, Amy Grigg, and Lydia Wickizer tie their favorite fly patterns.
This is a great opportunity for fly tyers of all abilities to ask questions, learn, and be a part of the fly tying community! There will be some giveaways throughout the day.
Don’t miss this chance to see some of most creative and awesome women fly tyers!
Anglers Covey:
295 S 21st St, Colorado Springs, CO 80904
We hope to see you there!
The International Sportsmen's Expo is happening January 9th through January 12, 2025Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!The Denver Colorado Convention Center700 14th StreetDenver, CO 80202Phone: (303) 228-8000Email: info@denverconvention.comPublic Show Hours:Thursday Noon to 7:00pmFriday Noon to 7:00pmSaturday 10:00am to 7:00pmSunday 10:00am to 4:00pm2025 Fly-Tying Video Theater SchedulesThursday, January 9th, 2025 12:00-3:30pm:Steve Schweitzer - Dick Shinton - Susan Underwood – Richard Pilatzke- Terra Groah - Todd Birchby – John Yi - Joe Brenton - Jane Retherford - Mary Manka3:30-7:00pm: Steve Schweitzer - Ralph Rhoades - Hans Mylant - John Vevurka – Janine Whispell – Terra Groah - Eric Pettine - Todd Birchby – John Yi – Joe Brenton - Jane Retherford - Mary MankaVideo Tyers: Frank Whispell (12:30); Mark McMillan (2); Kirk Bien (3:30); Chris Steinbeck (5)Friday, January 10th, 2025 12:00-3:30pm: Daryl Eakins - Dennis Martin - Dick Shinton - Susan Underwood - Frank Whispell - Janine Whispell - Ben Baxter - Cat Toy - Bret Oeltjenbruns – Steve Schweitzer - Tim Jacobs - Elkan Normadin3:30-7:00pm: Garrison Doctor - Scott Stisser - Steve Maldonado - Kevan Davidson - Barbara Luneau - Mark Rayman - Bill Kirk – Cat Toy - Joel Evans – Eric Pettine - Tim Jacobs - Renea PedersenVideo Tyers: Garrison Doctor (12:30); Steve Maldonado (2); Pat Dorsey (3:30); Steve Schweitzer (5)Saturday, January 11th, 2025 10:00am-2:00pm:Rick Takahashi - Chris Krueger - Chuck Esch - Kevan Davidson – Steve Rogers - Steve Schweitzer - Stephanie Hazelton - Joel Evans – Shannah Fedus – Frank Whispell - Cat Toy - Anh ThaiSunday, January 12th, 2025 10:00-1:00pm:Daryl Eakins - John Vevurka - Chuck Esch - Phil Iwane - Bret Oeltjenbruns - Stephanie Hazelton - Antonio Rodrigues - Lydia Wickizer - James Ushiyama - Jon Easdon – Mark McMillan - Loren Mcglone1:00-4:00pm: Daryl Eakins – Joel Evans - Renea Pedersen – Stephen Johnson - Barbara Luneau - Mark Rayman - Joe Brenton - Eric Pettine - Fran Blayney - Natasha Blayney - Jonathan Antunez – Richard PilatzkeVideo Tyers: Daryl Eakins (10:30); Phil Iwane (12); Loren Mcglone (1:30), Antonio Rodriguez (3)
We hope to see you there!
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